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Quotes And A Poem...
On this page you will find 9 quotes out of which 8 are made by me and you will find 1 poem which is not made by me but it is a very nice poem. Please don't copy anything off of this page because I would prefer it being originally mine and not being used by others. Thank you. Well, the quote that isn't made by me is the (9) one. The rest are made by me. Well, it's pretty charming to read all of the things on this page and to understand what they mean. The categories titled "Quotes 1" has 4 quotes in it and the category titled "Quotes 2" has 5 quotes in it. These quotes are only some of my own. I have many more in my computer. And the category that says "A Friend Like You..." is the poem. OK, enjoy is the only thing left to say, so......Enjoy! The poem has a little stylish touch to it. Check it out!

  Quotes 1
(1)"When we were at the shore I waved goodbye to the sea. But when I looked at you, you waved goodbye to me..."
(2)"Please do obey...please just stay...if you can't do anything, then just swiftly go away."
(3)"I'll live for you. I'll die for you. But remember one thing. I won't cry for you."
(4)"My soul is upset. My heart is crying. Without you, I feel like dying."

Quotes 2
(5)"The wind blew across the stream. We walked on the shore and it was like a beautiful dream. Later on, when I woke up out of that dream. I found out all you had is self-esteem."
(6)"I will go to heaven and wait for you. I will tell the angels to say to you, that if I leave, it's not so bad. I was there yesterday, and I will come back."
(7)"I gave you my heart. I said I love you. You then smashed it into pieces. And I didn't even argue."
(8)"Life is sad when you aren't with someone. But love is depressing when you don't bother to move on."
(9)"Everything will be ok at the end and if it's not ok then it's not the end."

A Friend Like You...
**WrItTeN wItH a PeN.**
**sEaLeD WiTh A kIsS.**
**If YoU aRe My FrIeNd,**
**pLeAsE aNsWeR tHiS:**
**ArE wE fRiEnDs**
**Or ArE wE NoT?**
**YoU ToLd Me OnCe**
**BuT i FoRgOt**
**So TeLl Me NoW**
**AnD tELl Me TrUe.**
**So I cAn SaY...**
**"I'm HeRe FoR yOu."**
**Of AlL tHe FrIeNdS**
**I'vE eVeR mEt,**
**YoU'rE tHe OnE**
**i WoN't FoRgEt.**
**aNd If I dIe**
**BeFoRe YoU dO,**
**I'lL gO tO hEaVeN**
**aNd WaIt FoR yOu.**
**I'lL gIvE tHe AnGeLs**
**bAcK tHeIr WiNgS**
**aNd RiSk ThE lOsS**
**oF eVeRyThInG.**
**jUsT tO pRoVe My**
**FrIeNdShIp Is TrUe**
***To HaVe A fRiEnD LiKe YoU!***
