Updates On My Site
Please go to the page titled the "What's New? Page" to see what the latest things are happening and the last day this site was updated. So you can see if the site was updated recently and if not.
Information On My Site's Pages:
Home Page: The page you are looking at right now. About Page: Tells you a little bit about me. Photo Page: Some photos of me and other things/people. Cool Car Pictures: Pictures of some nice cars(Only car fans would like this page...). Cool Car Pictures 2: Cars pictures continued... Picture Jokes: Picture jokes that I really think are funny. Picture Jokes 2: Picture Jokes page continued... Picture Jokes 3: Picture Jokes page continued... Some Words: Some quotes and poems. As the page is named, Some Words...
Favorite Links: Some sites that I think are interesting.
What's New Page: The page telling you what's new and when the site was last updated.
Guest Book Page: The guestbook on my site.
Contact Page: The page that tells you how you can contact me.
My Mobile: The page that shows you the mobile I have and tells you some information about it.